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Showing posts with the label Toddler

How To Keep Children Safe & Busy at Home During Covid-19 Third Wave

How to Keep Children Busy  & Safe at Home during COVID 19  #IndianBabyAyush Specialists are of the assessment that the third flood of the COVID-19 infection in India can influence youngsters adversely. According to specialists, the main rush of the infection assaulted the older, in the second wave more youth are influenced and the third wave can be hazardous for kids. We are sharing some Ways to Keep Children Safe and Busy at Home During Covid-19 Third Wave.                                                                 #IndianBabyAyush How to Keep Your Child Safe From Covid-19 • Educate your children about Covid and how it spreads.  • Do not neglect any symptoms when it comes to your children.  • Parents will have to be careful and don’t invite anyone at home.  • Do not go out with your children. Stay Home  • Parents should make sure that their children follow a well-balanced diet.   • Make your children exercise at home.  • See to it that your children are not around sick people

9 Healthy And Easy Snacks for Kids During COVID Third Wave

source-Indian Baby Ayush Also enjoy- Indian Baby Ayush During Quarantine/Lockdown Easy & Healthy Snacks for Kids during Coronavirus Lockdown 1.Steamed Dhokla 2.Oats Idli 3. Bread Jam Cake     Click here-   Bread Jam Cake for Kids Recipe 4.Makhana Aloo Tikki 5.Sprout and Fruit Bhel Also Read: Foods To Be Avoided For The Babies! 6.Stuffed Dahi Vada 7.Badam And Besan Ladoo 8.Crispy Corn 9. Mushroom Burger Cake Only 3 Ingredients In Lock-down Without Egg, Oven, Maida Link: Follow us on  Youtube- Instagram- Pinterest  - Blogger- Reddit-https://www

Foods to Avoid for Babies Under 12 Months !

Foods to avoid for babies under 12 months source- Indian Baby Ayush Click to Enjoy- Indian Baby Ayush:Kids at Home During Corona Virus LockDown As your baby grows, they will be eager to sample food from your plate ,and you'll be eager to introduce some variety to babie's diet. But not all foods are safe for your child. Some pose a choking hazard, and a few aren't good for your baby's developing digestive system. Click to check-  Ghee for babies good or bad Foods to avoid for Birth to 4 to 6 months All food and beverages has to be avoid except breast milk or formula. Mostly doctors recommends feeding your baby only breast milk or formula for the first four to six months. Foods to avoid for 6 to 12 months Cow's milk and soy milk: Stick with breast milk or formula until your child's first birthday,Why? Your baby can't digest the proteins in cow's milk and soy milk during her first year, and these bev

छोटे बच्चों को कितना घी दे सकते हैं :चार्ट

Recommended Video -   Ghee for babies good or bad | How Much Ghee to Babies| Is It Safe? Chart:1 Recommended Video - How did I make my baby’s first haircut a good experience Chart:2 Recommended Video -  Baby Massage Video अब कभी नहीं होगी आपके बच्चो को रूसी,जूँ और लीख (watch video)

सर्दियों में बच्चों का ऐसे रखें ख्याल: 5 टिप्स 2021

सर्दियों में बच्चों की देखभाल courtesy Pinklife channel/New Moms Buddy इन दिनों ठंड शुरू हो गई है| ठंड का सबसे ज्यादा असर बच्चों पर पड़ता है, क्योंकि इस मौसम में वायरस और बैक्टीरिया बहुत तेजी से बच्चों पर हमला करते हैं| जिस वजह से उन्हें सर्दी-जुकाम, नाक बंद, सासं लेने में तकलीफ, गले में इंफेक्शन, वायरल डायरिया, निमोनिया, बुखार   जैसी समस्याएं हो जाती हैं| ऐसे में बच्चो की सेहत से जुड़ी छोटी से छोटी बात का विशेष ध्यान रखें|  ऐसे में आज हम भी आपको सर्दियों में बच्चो की देखभाल करने के कुछ टिप्स बताने जा रहे हैं ताकि आपका बच्चा हर मौसम में हँसता मुस्कराता रहें … 1.ठीक से कपड़े पहनाएं- ठंड से बच्चों को बचाने के लिए बहुत ज्यादा कपड़े लादने की बजाय, उनका तलवा, उनकी हथेली और उनके कान व सिर ढक कर रखें क्योंकि शरीर के इन हिस्सों में सबसे ज्यादा हीट लॉस होता है और यहीं से ठंड लगने का डर सबसे ज्यादा होता है| इसलिए बच्चों के टोपी, दस्ताने और मोजे जरूर पहनाकर रखें| सर्दी में बच्चे को डायपर पहना कर रखें और थोड़ी-थोड़ी देर बाद उसे बदलते रहें| इससे बच्चे को सर्दी नहीं चढ़ेगी|

Things To Consider When Buying A Baby Stroller in 2021

When the little one comes into the world, there are a number of things parents have to take care of. One important thing parents buy for their newborn is a baby stroller. Buying a stroller is a big investment of money and time. It is a big, expensive purchase . Finding the best stroller depends on your lifestyle, your budget and some key logistical questions. We have put together a handy, comprehensive stroller-buying guide for first-time parents, so you know how to pick a stroller that will keep your little one comfy, happy, and safe. our baby is enjoying snacks while traveling at Zoo on his stroller Questions to Ask When Buying a Stroller- ·           Who will be using the stroller? ·           Where will we be using the stroller most? ·           What kind of weather will we be using it in? ·           What kind of storage space do we have for a stroller (in the house and car)? ·           How much weight can I handle? ·