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Showing posts from May, 2019

How do I Manage My Daily Responsibilities Housework Alone with a Toddler during Covid

Tips to Manage Baby & H ousework  Single Handedly Well, my little one simply wants to be held constantly.  I used to feel that working from home is an ideal situation for raising my growing child. It allows me to attend to the needs of my baby and perform basic house chores, however, things do not always happen as planned.He require close supervision . For a toddler You never know what they're up to the moment you turn your eyes away from them.  Trust me,  with a few tips and tricks we can effectively and efficiently manage housework & our baby . Super Tips  to Manage Household Chores With a Toddler   1-Things to Do Before you Leave your  Child to Attend to your Chores  Make the environment safe- Depending on the age of your toddler, you can create a safe space to allow him more freedom to move around where he can perform basic play actions, like jumping and rolling over. 2-Multi-task  There are countless ways to merge tasks together-  C